New York Times Online (3 Day Pass)
The Cobb County Public Library provides access to the New York Times online. Patrons are granted access for three days at a time but may renew access at the end of each three-day period.
Request a 3-Day Pass
1) Log in to the Cobb Public Library database login page.
- Students use their Cobb Public Library PASS credentials:
- Library Card Number: Student ID (lunch) number
- PIN: 4-digit birthdate (e.g. February 9th = 0209)
- Teachers use their Cobb Public Library educator card or personal library card
2) After logging in, click the “ access” link, then click “REDEEM.”
3) At the New York Times login page, click “Google” and login using your Google account.
During your 3-day access pass, you can go directly to the New York Times website and log in again with your account. After the 3-day pass expires, simply return to this page and follow the instructions above to request and redeem a new 3-day pass.
For more information, see the Cobb Public Library Databases and Electronic Resources page.